Mould and Indoor Air Quality Testing

Air quality and mould growth are a growing concern for many homeowners.  Mould has the ability to affect people’s health and can be potentially damaging to building materials if left unchecked.  Lakeside Green Environmental provides multiple services for analysis of mould.  Air samples can be taken to obtain information related to the types and concentration of moulds in the home.  This may be done for the entire home or specific rooms.  Lift tape sample of specific growth may be obtained for analysis of the genus and/or species; this is often done if there is pervasive growth of one visually similar strain.  The type and number of samples are generally determined based on consultation with the homeowner, their desired outcome and the project budget.  

Air quality analysis of carbon dioxide (CO2) and carbon monoxide (CO) can be used to provide insight into other potential indoor pollutants and contaminants related to indoor air flow. Elevated levels of CO2 can be an indication of high levels of indoor air pollutants from items such as furniture, carpet and construction materials.  Most all products give off gases which can be harmful to people, especially those predisposed to susceptibility as a result of a compromised immune system or a respiratory issues.  Elevated levels of CO may be related to oil or gas heating systems which are not properly vented or suffering inefficiency for any number of reasons.  CO can be the unknown cause of symptoms as benign as headaches and dizziness or as severe as mental confusion or even death in extreme cases.  

Lakeside Green Environmental will develop a sampling program specific to your home to address your individual air quality concerns.